Monday, 6 September 2010

Analysis of questionnaire results

I did a questionnaire to find out what audience soap operas attracted and who the trailers appeal to. From my questionnaire I have discovered that more females like soap operas than males however both males and females like soaps where there is story lines with explosions and murders therefore soaps that include these storyline are more likely to capture a larger audience. This could show that males are only willing to watch storylines with a more complex storyline than females making them less passive. However not that many people liked soaps to have mysterious and complex story lines so this could show that soaps have a hypodermic needle effect which is Adorno and and Horkheimer's theory that the audience is passive and the soap would just inject the viewer. Also I found that teenage females are more likely to watch soap operas than teenage males however soap operas attract middle aged females and males equally this could be the case as they watch them together as part of a family. Also the time that soaps are shown supports this as they are in the evening around 7pm onwards which is when couples from the demographic groups C1,C2, D and E would be at home and would relax and watch the television.

I have used some of my results that I found the most important and made them into pie charts on Excel. This makes the division between females and males who like soaps clearer and also the age groups that I found enjoyed soaps the most and therefore my justifications above have evidence.

Questionnaire Results

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