



1. This shot is one from the Kat and Alfie trailer for Eastenders. The shot first begins with an extreme close up on her boots then it pans up on her body to reveal Kat herself. The black boots stick to the Western theme however, they also denote provocativeness.
2. This shot is from the trailer for Kat and Alfie on Eastenders, the shot is a mid shot of Pat and Janine, they are looking at the camera which is like a point of view shot as Kat looks at them and they look back in disgust.
3. This mid shot is also from the Eastenders trailer for Kat and Alfie, the shot shows Max just doing an every day activity where he stops to look at what is happening.
4. This shot is from the Coronation St trailer for the wedding. This shot is similar to a reveal shot as at first Liz has her back to the camera then she turns around in the mid shot and reveals worry on her face.
5. This shot is from the Eastenders trailer for Kat and Alfie, this extreme close up shows the shock in a characters eyes connoting their view on the situation.
6. This is a mid over the shoulder shot for Becky and Steve's wedding trailer for Coronation St, this shot displays conversation and also leaves the space between the characters for the audience to see someone walk between them.
7. This is a mid shot from the Judgement Day trailer for Eastenders, this shot displays Max walking towards the camera, he is centre shot connoting his importance to the storyline.
8. This is a shot from a trailer for Eastenders based around the storyline of Bradley, the shot is a mid shot as Bradley and Max walk towards the camera. The shot makes them look important and significant.
9. Although this is not from a soap, it is a shot that influenced us on our final shot. This shot is from the Virgin Airways 25 years and still red hot advert. The women are lined up in the mid shot with some looking at the character, this makes them look important and like role models.
The real media texts I researched appealed to certain audiences with the use of these shots. For example, the shots are clear in reference to Todorov's theory who has distrupted equilibrium therefore this would attract a passive audience as the shots outline the distruption and storyline, so the audience do not have to think about what is happening, instead they can be injected with encoded messages and storylines like the Hypodermic Needle theory. Shot 9 denotes glamourous women walking together, because they are glamourous women the advert would attract males to watch complying with Laura Mulvey's Male Gaze theory as the men just look at the women for appearence not meaning. However, the real media text would also attract women as they may think it is a makeup or hair product advert because the women are glamorous.
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