

1. This is an extreme close-up of Helen's red shoes walking on a path, this shot makes the audience active as they would want to know who the shoes belong to especially because they are red connoting passion, love and danger. This extreme close-up shot is used a lot in soaps because it builds tension and makes the audience keep watching to find out who the shoes belong to. Like the Kat and Alfie trailer we used the extreme close up shot to introduce the feisty female character, therefore we followed conventions of real media texts for the opening shot.
2. This shot is a mid shot of the 'jack-the-lads' cheering Helen outside the pub, mid shots are seen in soap operas a lot because they are a shot that clearly display the characters and also capture their conversation. This shot is not a point of view shot as they are looking at Helen as she approaches them. The shot denotes 4 boys cheering and pointing, this connotes confidence and bold. This immediately introduces the 'jack-the-lad' stereotype. The mid shot used has the same affect as the one used in the Kat and Alfie trailer as the mid shot displays people watching the main character.
3. This shot is a wide shot of a character getting out their car and looking at Helen. This shot introduces a character who lives in the village but does not have a main role, but they are still drawn to stare at Helen as she confidently walks down the road. This type of shot is used a lot in soap trailers and soaps because it introduces other minor characters and the impression the main character has on the village or street. The Kat and Alfie trailer captures the mid shot of two characters, we also used mid shots for dialogue in our trailer, this shows that we found recognizable shots in soap trailers and used them to fit with the conventions.
4. This shot is a long-reveal shot, where Danielle has her back to the camera as Deano walks passed then as he passes she turns round and reveals that she is pregnant. This subtle shot has a big storyline behind it as the trailer does not give away who the sad is. In soaps there is often reveal shots to be melodramatic and comical. This shot complies with the conventional melodramatic approach taken in Soap operas, also from real media texts I found a few long reveal shots, one being the Coronation one I took a screen shot of.
5. This extreme close-up then follows the reveal shot, this shot is also a reaction shot as Deano is showing his reaction to Danielle being pregnant. This short clip has opinion behind it insinuating people think teenage pregnancy is unacceptable. This complies with the Hypodermic Needle theory as we are feeding the audience the view that teen pregnancy is shocking and not normal. Also this extreme close-up highlights shock and disruption therefore complying with Todorov's theory of equilibrium as this shot highlights stage 2 as it shows a disruption in equilibrium.
6. This is a mid-over the shoulder shot of two characters talking as Helen walks between them. The mid shot is a convention is soap operas as it displays conversation well. So to add a storyline and a clue we have Helen walking between them, so the audience are introduced to some minor characters and how they feel about Helen. This type of shot is realistic as people do talk about people when they see them, therefore it complies with the Uses and Gratifications theory where the one of the audience's 'needs' is fulfilled as they can identify with this shot.
7. This shot is a long shot of Helen walking towards the camera, this shot gives her power and importance as she is centre shot and walking directly into the camera. It also denotes that she is the main character as she is alone and walking with the trailer focused on her connoting her importance. Like the Eastenders trial trailer, it highlights the main character and the main storyline in the same way, therefore I have used conventions of real media texts.
8. This shot is a long wide-shot. It shows Helen walking in the centre of the street with her children walking behind her, these proxemics between the characters denote Helen being in front and not looking behind connoting her lack of care for her children and her confidence.
9. This is the final shot in the trailer, it is an establishing shot of all the characters in Helen How and the road where the action takes place. It gives the audience a clear picture of who is involved in the key storylines as they are the prominent ones in the space around Helen and also the setting. This shot is also a shot that makes the soap look new as it introduces everyone and also leaves the soap trailer on a cliff hanger so the audience want to see more. Although, I was not inspired by a soap trailer I have still used real media texts to grasp ideas and use them to portray the same connotations.
By using conventional shots I have found in real media texts, I have tried to attract a similar audience. For Example, my soap trailer would appeal to a passive audience due to its encoded messages an example of an encoded message is the extreme close up on the eyes after seeing the reveal shot of the pregnant teen. This is an encoded message as it portrays the message of teen pregnancy to be shocking. Therefore I have used the Hypodermic needle theory to illustrate my messages and storylines, therefore complying with real media texts. Also, like the Virgin Media real media text, I have complied with Laura Mulvey's Male Gaze theory by showing closeup shots of Helen's legs and upper body, I did this to try and appeal to a male audience as well as a female audience as from research I found less males watch soap operas.
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