Thursday 13 January 2011

Feedback on Rough cut

We got feedback from members of our class, family members and friends.

Feedback from the class
Negative feedback

-There needs to be footsteps at the beginning

-There needs to be music (extra-diegetic)

-In the shot where the boys cheer at Helen, it should either be cut shorter or left longer so that either the laughing is included or got rid of.

-There needs to be titles added at the beginning

-The transition after the guys cheering is not conventional.

Positive feedback

-There is a good use of different shots

-The final shot is conventional

-Good varied range of characters

-Good lighting

Feedback from family
Negative feedback

-It cut too abruptly from the shouting boys to Helen

-There is no atmospheric music

-Should have titles at the end

-Needs a narration at the end to fit with conventions

Positive feedback

-Obvious storyline with Helen being the centre of attention

-Good final shot with everyone standing behind Helen

-It left an impression making them want to see more

Feedback from friends

Positive feedback

-Good shots making it more interesting

-Good selection of different characters with obvious costumes

-The white fade transitions when she is walking is really effective and portrays her confident character well

Negative feedback

-There is no music to help move the trailer along

-Some of the transitions are too quick and rushed making the trailer look untidy

-There is no sound effects to enhance some of the actions

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