Monday 17 January 2011

Poster 2nd draft

Poster 2nd Draft

Then improvements:

-The Helen How image has been put to the left hand side so the main character is in complete focus
-The tag line is bigger and bolder and is centralised
-The font on the sign is bolder and bigger

Positive feedback:

-Even though the tag line is bigger the colour of the sky is still prominent
-The tag line is short and relevant which is good as the audience will be able to read quickly and understand that the Halls are new to the soap
-Having the Helen How name on the left hand side makes it look more like a sign post
-The information on the sign is clearer and set out better

Negative feedback

-Information on the sign could still be bigger and bolder
-The girl in the green still doesn't fit in with the image and colour scheme
-Could have a border to make the picture more prominent and professional
-The font of the tag line could be different, so it stands out more

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