Monday 17 January 2011

Trailer 2nd cut with changes made

What has been changed due to the feedback given;

-We added an up-beat modern song to make the trailer seem more professional and so young audience members will be able to relate to the trailer and therefore want to watch the soap.

-We added an extra diegetic sound effect of the slap which enhances Stephanie's anger to her husband.

-We also added extra diegetic sound effects of the clicking of the shoes at the beginning which invites the audience to want to find out who the clicking belongs to.

-We changed the transition from the shouting lads to Helen to a cross fade instead of the swipe, this made the clips fit better together better and smoother

-We also added a narration at the end of the trailer as it is conventional where the narrator reveals the slogan, the time, the channel and day it is on.

Now that I have improved this from the first cut I will get feedback and then see what else can be improved and edit a final cut so it is to the best standard.

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