Monday 17 January 2011

Final poster

Final Poster

What I have improved due to feedback:

-I have added a black slate image as the border giving reference to the 'wipe the slate clean' also makes the poster more quirky and interesting
-The white tag line on the slate stands out more and could be seen as chalk, it is very bold and serif font making it more formal and serious
-I have taken the girl character out as her costume did not fit the colour scheme
-The fonts are bolder and bigger

Positive feedback:

-The slate in the background links to the tag line
-The tag line stands out more with white bold font and black background
-The sky has no writing on it making it more prominent
-The sign is clear with the information bold which stands out
-The white sign contrasts with the black slate and black costumes this implies Helen How is very innocent but now the Halls are moving in there will be many secrets.
-All the other characters apart from Helen are males which hints at the Male Gaze Theory as they are looking at her

Negative feedback:

-The information on the sign looks like a minor detail
-The main female character is not central

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