Sunday 16 January 2011

Magazine feedback 2nd draft

Family feedback
Positive feedback
-Title is big and more obvious
-Better taglines because they are more interesting
-Good balanced layout of images
Negative feedback
-Could do with more images
-No promotions or competitions on the cover
-Bit blank and spacious around the main image
Feedback from friends
Positive feedback
-The title is a good clear size
-There is a bar code appropriately placed
-The tagline is relevant and interesting, it also stands out in the bright pink
-The website,issue number and date is good underneath the logo.
Negative feedback
-The area around the main image is too blank and needs a colour
-The layout needs to have more overlapping
-The tag line could be positioned differently for more impact
Feedback from class
Positive feedback
-Good layout with the banner and good choice of bright colours
-The price has been put into a bold shape with a bright colour makes it stand out
-There is now a small banner in red with the website, date and issue number which stands out and contains important information

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